二次元 – ACG

二次元 文化 在中国 越来越 欢迎


ACG (Anime, Comic, and Games) culture is becoming more and more popular in China.

二次元文化 包括 动画漫画 游戏


ACG culture started becoming popular in China in the 1990s.

二次元在20 世纪 90 年代 开始 在中国 流行


ACG culture started becoming popular in China in the 1990s.

现在很多 年轻 人都非常喜欢看 动漫、玩游戏,也喜欢 参加 漫展


Nowadays, many young people love watching anime, playing games, and attending comic conventions.

在漫展上,大家可以看到很多 精彩 的COSPLAY 表演


At comic conventions, people can see many amazing cosplay performances.

中国的二次元文化 最初 受到 日本 影响现在 加入 了更多的 本土 元素


China’s ACG culture was initially influenced by Japan, but now it includes more local elements.

中国 出现 了越来越多以二次元为 主营 业务 公司


More and more companies in China are focusing on ACG as their main business.

语法点 (Grammar Points)

1. 以…为… (yǐ…wéi…) – Take… as…
This structure is used to indicate that something is based on or takes something as its foundation.

文中 (In text): 
– 中国出现了越来越多以二次元为主营业务的公司。(More and more companies in China are focusing on ACG as their main business.)

例 (Example): 
– 这部电影以真实故事为原型。(This movie is based on a true story.)

2. 越来越 (yuè lái yuè) – More and more
越来越 is used to indicate a gradual increase in intensity or frequency.

文中 (In text): 
– 中国出现了越来越多以二次元为主营业务的公司。(More and more companies in China are focusing on ACG as their main business.)

例 (Example): 
– 她唱歌越来越好。(She sings better and better.)