Susu: Today, we are making a cake together.

第一步: 准备 所有 材料。把 烤箱 预热 到 175°C。
Step 1: Gather all the ingredients. Preheat the oven to 175°C.

第二步: 在一个大 碗 里,把 糖、黄油 和 鸡蛋 搅拌 均匀。
Step 2: In a large bowl, mix sugar, butter, and eggs evenly.

Step 3: Add flour, baking powder, and milk, and mix evenly.

Step 4: Pour the batter into the cake pan.

Step 5: Put the cake pan into the oven and bake for 30 to 40 minutes.

第六步: 取出 蛋糕,等 它 完全 冷却。然后,加上 奶油,就 可以 吃了!
Step 6: Take out the cake and wait for it to cool completely. Then, add frosting, and it’s ready to eat!
语法 (Grammar Points)
1. 把 (bǎ) – Expressing how something is handled
把 is used to emphasise the result of an action on an object.
文中 (In text):
– 把烤箱预热到 175°C。 (Preheat the oven to 175°C.)
例 (Example):
– 把面糊倒进烤盘。 (Pour the batter into the cake pan.)
2. 等 (děng) – Expressing “wait until…”
等 is used to indicate waiting for something to happen before taking the next action.
文中 (In text):
– 等它完全冷却。 (Wait for it to cool completely.)
例 (Example):
– 等雨停了,我们再出去。 (Wait until the rain stops, then we’ll go out.)
3. 加上 (jiāshàng) – Expressing “Add”
加上 means “to add” something onto something else.
文中 (In text):
– 加上奶油,就可以吃了! (Add frosting, then you can eat it!)
例 (Example):
– 咖啡里加上牛奶会更好喝。 (Adding milk to coffee makes it taste better.)