剪窗花 – Paper-cutting for window decorations

窗花 中国 传统 民间 艺术


Paper-cutting for window decorations is a traditional folk art of China.

春节人们 剪了窗花 窗户


Every year during the Spring Festival, people cut paper decorations and stick them on windows.

窗花的 形状 有很多种,有的 花朵有的 动物


Paper-cutting decorations come in many shapes, some are flowers, and others are animals.

剪窗花用的 一般 红色


The paper used for paper-cutting decorations is usually red.

人们 相信,红色的窗花可以 带来 好运


People believe that red window decorations can bring good luck.

剪窗花是一 非常 有趣 手工艺 活动


Paper-cutting for window decorations is a very interesting handicraft activity.

有很多人喜欢在春节前 家人 一起 剪窗花。


Many people like to cut window decorations with their family before the Spring Festival.

剪窗花 已经 成为 春节的 重要 传统 习俗


Paper-cutting for window decorations has become an important traditional custom of the Spring Festival.

语法点 (Grammar Points)

1. (yòng) – To use
expresses the usage of something.

文中 (In text): 
– 剪窗花用的纸一般是红色的。(The paper used for paper-cutting decorations is usually red.)

例 (Example): 
– 这个菜是用鸡蛋做的。(This dish is made of eggs.)

2. 可以 (kěyǐ) – Can, may
可以 is used to indicate permission or possibility.

文中 (In text): 
– 人们相信,红色的窗花可以带来好运。(People believe that red window decorations can bring good luck.)

例 (Example): 
– 运动可以减肥。(Exercise can reduce weight.)

3. 成为 (chéngwéi) – To become
成为 is used to indicate something or someone becoming something else.

文中 (In text): 
– 剪窗花已经成为春节的重要传统习俗。(Paper-cutting for window decorations has become an important traditional custom of the Spring Festival.)

例 (Example): 
– 她长大了成为歌手。(She grew up and became a singer.)