在星巴克点单 – Ordering at Starbucks

店员: 您好欢迎光临 星巴克请问 什么


Waiter: Hello, welcome to Starbucks! What would you like to order?

苏苏: 你好, 要一 中杯 卡布奇诺还有 甜甜圈


Susu: Hello, I would like a medium cappuccino and a donut.

店员: 好的,您的卡布奇诺要 还是


Waiter: Okay, would you like your cappuccino hot or iced?

苏苏: 热的,谢谢


Susu: Hot, please. Thank you.

店员: 甜甜圈有 巧克力 的和 草莓 ,您要 哪种


Waiter: We have chocolate and strawberry donuts. Which one would you like?

苏苏: 我要巧克力的。


Susu: I’ll have the chocolate one.

店员: 好的,一杯中杯热卡布奇诺和一个巧克力甜甜圈,总共 35元。


Waiter: Okay, that’s one medium hot cappuccino and one chocolate donut. The total is 35 yuan.

苏苏: 可以 手机 支付


Susu: Can I pay with my phone?

店员: 当然 可以 扫码 付款


Waiter: Of course! Please scan the QR code to pay.

苏苏: (扫码)好了,谢谢


Susu: (Scanning the QR code) All set, thank you!

店员: 收到 付款,这是您的饮料和甜甜圈, 用餐 愉快


Waiter: Payment received! Here is your drink and donut. Enjoy your meal!

苏苏: 谢谢


Susu: Thank you!

语法点 (Grammar Points)

1. (de) – For modifying nouns
The particle  is used to link a noun modifier (like a size or type) to the noun itself.

文中 (In text): 
– 一杯中杯的卡布奇诺。 (A medium-sized cappuccino.)

例 (Example): 
– 一条白色的裙子。 (A piece of white dress.)

2. 还是 (hái shì) – Asking and Offering Choices
还是 is used to offer a choice between two options.

文中 (In text): 
– 您的卡布奇诺要热的还是冰的?(Would you like your cappuccino hot or iced?)

例 (Example): 
– 你想要咖啡还是茶? (Do you want coffee or tea?)

3. 总共 (zǒnggòng) + Amount – The Structure of “Total”
总共 means “in total,” used to indicate the sum or final amount.

文中 (In text): 
– 总共35元。 (The total is 35 yuan.)

例 (Example): 
– 总共10个人。 (Ten people in total.)

4. 可以 (kěyǐ) – For Permission
可以 is used to ask for permission or to express the ability to do something.

文中 (In text): 
– 我可以用手机支付吗?(Can I pay with my phone?)

例 (Example): 
– 这里可以抽烟吗?(Can I smoke here?)