煎饼果子 – Chinese Pancake with Fried Dough

煎饼果子 一种 非常 欢迎 街头 美食特别 早上


Chinese Pancake with Fried Dough is a very popular street food, especially in the morning.

它是 面粉 里面 加上 鸡蛋酱料 油条


It is a thin pancake made with flour, filled with eggs, sauce, and fried dough sticks.

煎饼果子的 味道 独特 可以 可以是


The taste of Chinese Pancake with Fried Dough is very unique; it can be both savory and sweet.

许多 人喜欢在 忙碌 早晨 吃煎饼果子,快速 美味


Many people like to eat Chinese Pancake with Fried Dough on busy mornings; it’s quick and delicious.

煎饼果子 不仅 好吃而且 非常 方便随时 可以


Chinese Pancake with Fried Dough is not only delicious but also very convenient, and you can buy it anytime.

准备 尝试 煎饼果子 ?


Are you ready to try Chinese Pancake with Fried Dough?

语法点 (Grammar Points)

1. 不仅而且… (bù jǐn… érqiě…) – Not only… but also…
This structure is used to show that two things are true and connected, with emphasis on the second one.

文中 (In text): 
– 煎饼果子不仅好吃,而且非常方便。(Chinese Pancake with Fried Dough is not only delicious, but also very convenient.)

例 (Example): 
– 这条街不仅宽敞,而且干净。(This street is not only spacious, but also clean.)

2. 随时 (suíshí) – Anytime
随时 is used to express that something can happen at any time.

文中 (In text): 
– 随时都可以买到。(Can be bought anytime.)

例 (Example): 
– 随时会下雨。(It will rain anytime.)

3. Verb + 了吗 (le ma)? – Question indicating if something is ready or done
了吗 is used in questions that inquire whether something has been done or is ready.

文中 (In text): 
– 你准备好尝试煎饼果子了吗?(Are you ready to try Chinese Pancake with Fried Dough?)

例 (Example): 
– 你写完作业了吗?(Have you finished your homework?)