瓷器之都 – Porcelain Capital

景德镇 是中国 著名 瓷器,有一千多年的制瓷 历史


Jingdezhen is China’s famous “Porcelain Capital,” with over a thousand years of porcelain-making history.

每年,有很多 游客 来到景德镇,他们可以 参观 瓷器 博物馆了解 景德镇的制瓷历史和 工艺


Every year, many tourists come to Jingdezhen. They can visit the porcelain museum and learn about its porcelain-making history and techniques.

这里还有很多瓷器 工厂,游客可以 亲自 体验 如何 制作 瓷器


There are also many porcelain factories where visitors can experience making porcelain themselves.

景德镇 生产 的瓷器非常 精美,其中最 著名 的是 青花瓷


The porcelain produced in Jingdezhen is very exquisite, with the most famous being blue-and-white porcelain.

这里的 夜市 上有 各种各样 精美的瓷器制品,比如瓷器 杯碟瓷器 花瓶 和瓷器 手串。每个来到景德镇的游客都会 挑选 出自己喜爱的瓷器制品留作 纪念


The night market here has a variety of exquisite porcelain products, such as porcelain cups and plates, porcelain vases, and porcelain bracelets. Every visitor to Jingdezhen picks their favorite porcelain item as a souvenir.

如果你喜欢瓷器,一定要来景德镇,感受 独特 魅力


If you like porcelain, you must visit Jingdezhen to experience its unique charm!

语法点 (Grammar Points)

1. 其中 (qízhōng) – Among them, among which
其中 is used to refer to something specific within a larger group. It often follows a general statement and introduces an example.

文中 (In text): 
– 景德镇生产的瓷器非常精美,其中最著名的是青花瓷。(The porcelain produced in Jingdezhen is very exquisite, with the most famous being blue-and-white porcelain.)

例 (Example): 
– 他有很多书,其中最喜欢的一本是妈妈送的。(He has many books, and his favorite one is the one his mom gave him.)

2. 亲自 (qīnzì) – Personally, in person
亲自 emphasizes that someone is doing something by themselves instead of relying on others. It is often used to highlight hands-on experiences.

文中 (In text): 
– 游客可以亲自体验如何制作瓷器。(Visitors can experience making porcelain themselves.)

例 (Example): 
– 校长亲自来给我们上课。(The principal personally came to teach us a lesson.)

3. 各种各样 (gè zhǒng gè yàng) – All kinds of
各种各样 is used to describe a wide variety of things. It is followed by a noun to indicate diversity.

文中 (In text): 
– 这里的夜市上有各种各样精美的瓷器制品。(The night market here has a variety of exquisite porcelain products.)

例 (Example): 
– 中国有各种各样的美食。(China has all kinds of delicious food.)

4. 一定要 (yídìng yào) – Must, definitely should
一定要 is used to emphasize a strong recommendation or necessity. It is usually followed by a verb.

文中 (In text): 
– 如果你喜欢瓷器,一定要来景德镇。(If you like porcelain, you must visit Jingdezhen.)

例 (Example): 
– 如果你明天有空,一定要来参加派对。(If you are free tomorrow, you must come to the party.)

5. 留作 (liú zuò) – Keep as
留作 means to keep something as a specific purpose (e.g., a souvenir, memory, or gift). It is often used in the pattern “留作 + noun.”

文中 (In text): 
– 每个来到景德镇的游客都会挑选出自己喜爱的瓷器制品留作纪念。(Every visitor to Jingdezhen picks their favorite porcelain item as a souvenir.)

例 (Example): 
– 这篇文章我会留作参考。(I will keep this article for reference.)