玛丽: 苏苏,那 是 什么?好 漂亮 啊,看上去 很 好吃。
Mary: Susu, what is that? It looks so pretty and delicious.
苏苏: 那是 糖水。
Susu: That is Chinese sweet soup.
玛丽: 糖水是什么?
Mary: What is Chinese sweet soup?

苏苏: 糖水是中国 南方 的 传统 小吃,非常 美味,而且 有 营养。
Susu: Chinese sweet soup is a traditional snack from southern China. It’s very delicious and also nutritious.
Mary: I really want to try it!
Susu: Hmm, we can go inside and take a break.
(在糖水店) (At the sweet soup shop)
Mary: Susu, what do you want to order?

Susu: I want to order this taro and chestnut sweet soup. What about you?
Mary: I want to order this Suzhou-style sweet lotus root soup.
(糖水上桌后) (After the sweet soup arrives)
Mary: Wow, this sweet soup is not too sweet!
苏苏: 嗯,中式 甜品 讲究 的是 甜而不腻,对 身体 很好。
Susu: Yes, Chinese desserts focus on being sweet but not greasy. They’re good for the body.
语法 (Grammar Points)
1. 看上去… (kàn shàngqù) – Expressing “looks like…”
看上去 is used to describe the appearance of something.
文中 (In text):
– 看上去很好吃。(It looks delicious.)
例 (Example):
– 他看上去很高兴。(He looks very happy.)
2. 讲究… (jiǎngjiu) – Expressing “pay attention to…”
讲究 is used to express the idea of something being particular about certain qualities.
文中 (In text):
– 中式甜品讲究的是甜而不腻。(Chinese desserts focus on being sweet but not greasy.)
例 (Example):
– 她的穿衣风格很讲究。(Her clothing style is very particular.)
3. 对…好 (duì…hǎo) – Expressing “good for…”
对…好 is used to indicate that something is beneficial to someone or something.
文中 (In text):
– 对身体很好。(Good for the body.)
例 (Example):
– 运动对心情好。(Exercise is good for your mood.)