中式点心 – Chinese Pastries

玛丽: 苏苏, 中式 点心


Mary: Susu, I want to buy some Chinese pastries.

苏苏: 前面我们 一起


Susu: Sure, it’s just ahead, let’s go together!

玛丽: 好了,我们 现在 就去吧。


Mary: Great! Let’s go now.

苏苏: 就是 稻香村 中国 有两 年的 历史


Susu: This is the store, Daoxiangcun, which has over 200 years of history in China.

玛丽: 这里 的点心好 漂亮看上去 好吃


Mary: Wow, the pastries here are so beautiful, they look delicious and they’re not expensive.

苏苏: 可以 一个点心 喜欢 的点心 进去


Susu: You can choose a pastry box and put your favorite pastries inside.

玛丽: 点心盒也好漂亮 哪些 推荐 的点心


Mary: The pastry boxes are also so pretty. What pastries do you recommend?

苏苏: 如果 知道 怎么 ,也有 店员 搭配 好的 礼盒


Susu: If you don’t know what to choose, there are also gift boxes prepared by the staff.

玛丽: 让我想想。


Mary: Let me think for a moment.

苏苏: ,你选了 这么 !😲


Susu: (Wow) You’ve chosen so many!

玛丽: 因为 好喜欢!😊


Mary: Because I like them all!

语法点(Grammar Points)

1. (ne) – Emphasis or Reflection
When used at the end of a statement,  adds emphasis, making the sentence sound more casual, reflective, or expressive. It is often used to convey admiration, surprise, or highlight something.

文中 (In text): 
– 点心盒也好漂亮呢。(The pastry boxes are also so pretty!)

例 (Example): 
– 这本书很好看呢。(This book is really interesting!)

2. (ne) – Questions
 is often added at the end of a question to indicate that the speaker expects a more detailed or specific response. It can soften the question, making it sound more conversational and less direct.

文中 (In text): 
– 有哪些推荐的点心呢? (What pastries do you recommend?)

例 (Example): 
– 我的手机呢?  (Where is my mobile phone?)

3. 怎么 (zěnme) – Asking “How” or “In What Way”
怎么 is used to ask how something is done or in what way something happens. It can also mean “why” in certain contexts.

文中 (In text): 
– 不知道怎么选。(I don’t know how to choose.)

例 (Example): 
– 这个东西怎么用?  (How to use this?)