相声 – Crosstalk

相声 一种 有趣 中国 表演 艺术


Xiangsheng is an interesting Chinese performing art.

相声有一 多年的 历史


Xiangsheng has a history of over a hundred years.

相声表演 一般 有两个人。


A Xiangsheng performance usually has two people.

演员 说、学、逗、唱 观众 开心


Performers use talking, imitating, teasing, and singing to make the audience happy.

观众可以在 剧场 或者 网上 看相声表演。


The audience can watch Xiangsheng performances in theaters or online.

相声有很多 传统 内容,现在又 增加 了很多 创新 的内容。


Xiangsheng has many traditional elements, and now it has added many innovative elements.

相声 正在 重新 获得 年轻 人的喜爱。


Xiangsheng is regaining the love of young people.

语法点 (Grammar Points)

1. 可以 (kěyǐ) – Can, may
可以 is used to express permission or possibility.

文中 (In text): 
– 观众可以在剧场或者网上看相声表演。(The audience can watch Xiangsheng performances in theaters or online.)

例 (Example): 
– 你可以在这里休息。(You can have a rest here.)

2. (yòu) – Again, also
is used to indicate that something has happened again or an additional point.

文中 (In text): 
– 相声有很多传统的内容,现在又增加了很多创新的内容。(Xiangsheng has many traditional elements, and now it has added many innovative elements.)

例 (Example): 
– 他又去了超市。(He went to supermarket again.)

3. 正在 (zhèngzài) – In the process of, currently
正在 is used to indicate an action is happening right now.

文中 (In text): 
– 相声正在重新获得年轻人的喜爱。(Xiangsheng is regaining the love of young people.)

例 (Example): 
– 现在正在下雨。(It is raining now.)