电影哪吒2 – The Movie Nezha 2

玛丽: 苏苏,周末 你做了 什么


Mary: Susu, what did you do over the weekend?

苏苏:  电影


Susu: I went to watch a movie!

玛丽: 你看了什么电影?


Mary: What movie did you watch?

苏苏: 我看了《哪吒 2》,现在 很火


Susu: I watched Nezha 2, it’s very popular now!

玛丽: 是吗? 是什么电影?


Mary: Really? What kind of movie is it?

苏苏: 这是一个 动画 电影,讲的是哪吒的 故事。他 这次 有新的 敌人 有新的 朋友。故事很 精彩


Susu: It’s an animated movie about Nezha’s new story. This time, he has new enemies and new friends. The story is very exciting!

玛丽: 听起来 很好看!票房 怎么样


Mary: Sounds great! How is the box office performance?

苏苏: 票房很高!已经 超过 100亿了!


Susu: The box office is very high! It has already exceeded 10 billion!

玛丽: 这么 厉害!我也想去看!


Mary: That’s so amazing! I want to watch it too!

语法点 (Grammar Points)

1. 讲的是… (jiǎng de shì) – Expressing “It tells about…”
讲的是… is used to introduce the main story or topic of a movie, book, or speech.

文中 (In text): 
– 讲的是哪吒的新故事。(It tells about Nezha’s new story. )

例 (Example): 
– 这本书讲的是一个勇敢的女孩。(This book tells the story of a brave girl.)

2.已经” (yǐjīng…le) – Expressing “Already…”
已经 is used to indicate that something has already happened.

文中 (In text): 
– 已经超过100亿了!(It has already exceeded 10 billion!)

例 (Example): 
– 电影已经开始了。(The movie has already started.)

3. 这么… (zhème) – Expressing “So…”
 这么 is used to emphasize the degree of something.

文中 (In text): 
– 这么厉害!(That’s so amazing!)

例 (Example): 
– 这么多人在排队!(So many people are lining up!)