西湖醋鱼 – West Lake Vinegar Fish

西湖 浙江 杭州 传统 菜肴


West Lake Vinegar Fish is a traditional dish from Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province.

鱼肉 汤汁 ,很有 味道


The fish is tender, and the soup is sour, very flavorful.

西湖醋鱼的 做法 然后 酱油 调味


The way to make West Lake Vinegar Fish is to first cook the fish, then season it with vinegar, sugar, and soy sauce.

这道菜的味道酸中 ,吃起来非常 开胃


The taste of this dish is sour with a hint of sweetness, making it very appetizing.

如果 你去杭州 旅行一定 尝尝 西湖醋鱼。


If you go to Hangzhou, you must try West Lake Vinegar Fish.

语法点 (Grammar Points)

1. 然后… – First… then…
This structure is used to describe two actions that happen in sequence.

文中 (In text): 
– 西湖醋鱼的做法是先将鱼煮熟,然后用醋、糖和酱油调味。(The way to make West Lake Vinegar Fish is to first cook the fish, then season it with vinegar, sugar, and soy sauce.)

例 (Example): 
– 他 起床 ,然后吃 早饭。(He first washes his face after getting up, and then has breakfast.)

2. 一定 – Must, certainly
一定要 is used to express something that is strongly recommended or necessary..

文中 (In text): 
– 如果你去杭州旅行,一定要尝尝西湖醋鱼。(If you go to Hangzhou, you must try West Lake Vinegar Fish.)

例 (Example): 
– 你明天一定要来 参加 派对。(You must come to the party tomorrow.)