北京 环球影城 春节 有 特别 活动。游客 可以 看 表演、见 卡通 人物、品尝 新春 美食。
Beijing Universal Studios has special Spring Festival activities. Visitors can watch performances, meet cartoon characters, and taste Chinese New Year’s delicacies.

春节 活动 期间,会有 特别 演出《年来啦!》。这个 演出 讲述 大家 一起 赶走 年兽 的 故事。电影《神偷奶爸》《马达加斯加》和《功夫熊猫》的卡通人物会和 演员 一起 表演。他们会用 音乐、舞蹈 和 杂技 带来 精彩 的表演。
During the Spring Festival, there will be a special performance called “The Year Has Come!”. This show tells the story of people working together to drive away the Nian beast. Characters from “Despicable Me,” “Madagascar,” and “Kung Fu Panda” will perform with actors. They will use music, dance, and acrobatics to put on an exciting show.

环球影城里还有一 棵 很 特别 的树,叫“环球 绮愿 金梅树”。这棵树 象征 好运 和 幸福。晚上,树上的灯光亮起来,非常美丽。
There is also a very special tree in Universal Studios called the “Universal Wish Golden Plum Tree.” This tree symbolizes good luck and happiness. At night, the lights on the tree light up, making it very beautiful.

园区 里有很多新春 装饰,还有 小黄人、阿宝等卡通人物穿着节日衣服和游客 见面。游客可以和他们 拍照,留下 美好 回忆。
There are many Spring Festival decorations in the park. Minions, Po, and other cartoon characters wear festive clothes and meet visitors. Guests can take photos with them and keep wonderful memories.
环球影城的 酒店 也有 特别 的 新春 餐饮,比如新春 团圆饭 和 下午茶。游客可以边吃美食,边 感受 春节的 热闹 气氛。
Universal Studios hotels also have special Spring Festival meals, such as reunion dinners and afternoon tea. Visitors can enjoy delicious food while experiencing the lively atmosphere of the Chinese New Year.
这个春节,北京环球影城带来一个 融合 国际 卡通 人物 和中国 传统 文化 的 欢乐 之旅!
This Spring Festival, Beijing Universal Studios brings a joyful journey combining international cartoon characters and traditional Chinese culture!
语法点(Grammar Points)
1. 会 (huì) – Will, Be Likely To
Used to indicate future actions or events.
文中 (In text):
– 春节活动期间,会有特别演出。(During the Spring Festival, there will be a special performance.)
例 (Example):
– 我明天会来学校。(I will come to school tomorrow.)
2. 和 (hé) – And
Used to connect nouns or phrases.
文中 (In text):
– 卡通人物会和演员一起 表演。(Cartoon characters will perform with actors.)
例 (Example):
– 我买了鸡蛋和牛奶。(I bought eggs and milk.)
3. 边…边… (biān… biān…) – While… While…
Used to express two simultaneous actions.
文中 (In text):
– 游客可以边吃美食,边感受春节的热闹气氛。(Visitors can enjoy delicious food while experiencing the lively New Year atmosphere.)
例 (Example):
– 她边读书,边听音乐。(She is reading while listening to the music.)
4. 的 (de) – Possessive, Attributive Particle
Used to form adjectives or to express possession.
文中 (In text):
– 这个演出讲述大家一起赶走年兽的故事。(This show tells the story of everyone working together to drive away the Nian Beast.)
例 (Example):
– 这是妈妈的手机。(This is Mom’s phone.)