Jellycat CAFÉ 上海开店

Jellycat CAFÉ 上海 开了一个新 。店里有很多 有趣 玩偶


Jellycat CAFÉ opened a new store in Shanghai. There are many interesting dolls in the store.

其中 有五 上海 限定 产品: 纸杯 蛋糕 巴塞罗 玉兰 芋泥 蛋糕玉兰 妮娅 拿铁、缇蒂亚 茶壶 咕咕与噜噜 茶杯


There are five Shanghai limited edition products: paper cup cake Baselo Bear, Magnolia yam cake, Magnolia Nia latte, Titiya teapot, and Gugu and Lulu teacup.

顾客 进店 需要 提前 预约网上 预约 会在 周四 开放


Customers need to make a reservation before entering the store. Online reservations open every Thursday.

店员会把玩偶 当作 独立 个性 角色 对待顾客 也可以 参与 对话, 购物 过程 充满 童趣


The staff treats the dolls as characters with independent personalities. Customers can also participate in the conversation, making the shopping experience full of fun.

这家店非常 欢迎, 自从 开店 以来, 每天来 购买 玩偶的人都很多。即使 提前 预约, 也是需要 排队 等待


This store is very popular. Since it opened, many people come every day to buy dolls. Even with reservations, customers still need to line up and wait.

语法点(Grammar Points)

1. 需要 (xūyào) – Need
需要 is used to express necessity.

文中 (In text): 
– 顾客进店需要提前预约。(Customers need to make a reservation before entering the store.)

例 (Example): 
– 我不需要休息。(I don’t need to have a rest.)

2. (huì) – Will, can
is used to express future actions or abilities.

文中 (In text): 
– 店员会把玩偶当作有独立个性的角色对待。(The staff will treat the dolls as characters with independent personalities.)

例 (Example): 
– 她明天不会来上班。(She will not come to work tomorrow.)

3. 即使 (jíshǐ) – Even if
即使 is used to express “even if” or “despite.”

文中 (In text): 
– 即使提前预约, 也是需要排队等待的。(Even with reservations, customers still need to line up and wait.)

例 (Example): 
– 即使下雨, 我也会去爬山。(Even if it rains, I will go hiking.)

4. (yě) – Also, too
is used to indicate an additional action or condition.

文中 (In text): 
– 顾客也可以参与对话。(Customers can also participate in the conversation.)

例 (Example): 
– 他也想试试。(He also wants to have a try.)