Susu: Mary, what do you want for breakfast?
Mary: Any recommendations?
苏苏: 麦当劳 的 中式 早餐 出 了 新品,要不要 一起 去 试试?
Susu: McDonald’s has released new Chinese breakfast items. Want to go try them together?
Mary: Really? That sounds great, let’s go together!
Susu: Let’s go!
(At McDonald’s)
玛丽: 哇,这里 的中式早餐有 很 多 选择 呢!有 豆浆、油条,还有 粥。价格 也 不 贵。
Mary: Wow, there are so many choices for Chinese breakfast here! There’s soy milk, youtiao, and porridge. The prices aren’t expensive either.
Susu: Everything looks delicious! Mary, what do you want to order?

玛丽: 我想点这个6元的新品中式 套餐,里面 有 鸡肉 粥 和 薯饼。你 呢?
Mary: I want to order this 6-yuan new Chinese set meal, which includes chicken porridge and hash browns. What about you?
苏苏: 哇,鸡肉粥里有 酸菜 和 脆笋,而且 有我喜欢的薯饼,那 我 也 点 一样 的。
Susu: Wow, the chicken porridge has pickled vegetables and crispy bamboo shoots, and it also has my favourite hash brown. Then I’ll order the same.
语法 (Grammar Points)
1. 要不要…? – Asking if someone wants to do something
The phrase “要不要…” is used to ask whether someone wants to do something. This structure is a common way to give suggestions in casual speech.
文中 (In text):
– 要不要一起去试试?(Want to go try them together?)
例 (Example):
– 我们要不要去看电影? (Shall we go watch a movie?)
2. 听起来 – Expressing how something sounds
听起来 means “sounds like” or “sounds”. This structure is used to describe one’s impression of something based on hearing.
文中 (In text):
– 听起来不错。(That sounds great.)
例 (Example):
– 这首歌听起来很开心。 (This song sounds very happy.)
3. 而且 – Adding additional information
而且 is used to add additional related information. It is often used to connect two clauses that support each other.
文中 (In text):
– 而且有我喜欢的薯饼。(And it also has my favourite hash brown.)
例 (Example):
– 这家餐厅环境很好,而且菜也很好吃。 (This restaurant has a great environment, and the food is also delicious.)
4. 那我也… – Expressing “Then I will also…”
The structure 那我也… is used to express that someone will do the same thing after hearing what someone else does.
文中 (In text):
– 那我也点一样的。(Then I’ll order the same.)
例 (Example):
– 你要喝咖啡?那我也来一杯。 (You’re having coffee? Then I’ll have one too.)